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Publication Order of Trinity & Redemption Books

Trinity (1976)
Redemption (1995)

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Battle Cry (1953)
The Angry Hills (1955)
Exodus (1958)
Exodus Revisited (1960)
Mila 18 (1961)
Armageddon (1964)
Topaz (1967)
QB VII (1970)
The Haj (1984)
Mitla Pass (1988)
A God in Ruins (1999)
O’Hara’s Choice (2003)

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Ireland, A Terrible Beauty (1975)
Jerusalem: A Song of Songs (1981)
Ireland Revisited (1982)

Leon Marcus Uris was an American author of historical fiction who wrote many bestselling books including Exodus and Trinity.Born: August 3, 1924, Baltimore, Maryland, United States